The Single Father's Blog

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Archive for the tag “Gabriel Aubrey”


The custody war between Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubry is starting to get really ugly.

Halle has asked a judge for permission to move to France with their daughter Nahla. Gabriel is objecting to the request

According to TMZ, Halle has filed papers requesting to move and there is currently a hearing pending on the matter.

Of course this is a trick that many custodial parents use in the courts when they want to remove the non custodial parent from the child’s life. Halle plans on moving thousands of miles away with her boyfriend and baby Nahla while Gabriel is left living in the states without his child.

I can’t stress how important it is to have a custody order in place when you are dealing with a hostile relationship.  Over the last few weeks it appears that Halle has done several things through the legal system in attempt to get Gabriel away from his child.

Speaking from experience I know how hard it can be when a mother decides to move away and take your child away from you. Halle has been trying to paint Gabriel as an unfit father since their legal issues began, but it seems to me that she is the one who is troubled.  I have a problem with any custodial parent who tries to take their child from the non custodial parent.  This type of thing happens all of the time in the judicial system. And quite frankly, it’s just not right!

Have you ever been part of a custody battle where the custodial parent tried to move away with your child? If so, how did it turn out and what lessons did you learn?

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